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Traffic Law

Ralls County, Missouri Court Information

*Ralls County, Missouri Traffic Law Attorneys


From simple Speeding Ticket defense where “no points” is the goal to MIP cases to felony DUI / DWI defense where your freedom is at stake, the lawyers at can handle it.

This page contains Court information for Ralls County, Missouri Judicial Circuit 10.

* Ralls County, Missouri DUI / DWI Lawyers
* Ralls County, Missouri MIP Lawyers
* Ralls County, Missouri Speeding Ticket Lawyers

*Ralls, Judicial Circuit 10*

*Ralls County Courthouse*
311 South Main Street
Post Office Box 466
New London, Missouri 63459

*Robert M. Clayton II, Circuit Judge*
Marion County Courthouse
906 Broadway, Hannibal, Missouri 63401
(573) 221-0579
(573) 221-0366 (facsimile)

*David Mobley, Associate Circuit Judge*
Ralls County Courthouse
Post Office Box 466
New London, Missouri 63459
(573) 985-5641
(573) 985-3446 (facsimile)

*Law Days for Ralls County at New London, Missouri:*
* The first Tuesday of each month, with civil matters noticed at 9:00 a.m. and criminal matters noticed at 9:30 a.m.

*Term Days for Ralls County at New London, Missouri:*
* The first Tuesday in March; first Tuesday in July; and first Tuesday in November.

*Hours of Court:* Circuit Court shall convene, unless otherwise ordered, as follows:

* 8:30 a.m. for adoption proceedings;
* 8:00 a.m. counsel and parties for jury trials;
* 8:30 a.m. jury panel to assemble for jury trials;
* 8 :00 a.m. for non-jury trials;
* 9:00 a.m. Term Days and Law Days (civil) — 9:30 a.m. (criminal)

*Court Rules:* 10th Circuit Local Court Rules available from the Circuit Clerk.

*General Information:*

*Gina Jameson, Circuit Clerk & Recorder*
Post Office Box 466
New London, MO 63459
(573) 985-5633 or (573) 985-5641
(573) 985-3446 (facsimile)


*Ralls County, Missouri Traffic Law Attorneys*

    * Ralls County, MO DWI Lawyers | Criminal Defense
    * Ralls County, MO DWI Lawyers | Administrative DWI
    * Ralls County, MO DWI Lawyers | Driver License Suspension
    * Ralls County, MO DWI Lawyers | Driver License Revocation
    * Ralls County, MO DWI Lawyers | Hardship License Petitions
    * Ralls County, MO DWI Lawyers | Driver License Reinstatement
    * Ralls County, MO DWI Lawyers | DWI Expungement Attorneys
    * Ralls County, MO Minor in Possession (MIP) Lawyers
    * Ralls County, MO MIP Lawyers | Possession by Consumption
    * Ralls County, MO MIP Lawyers | Visibly Intoxicated
    * Ralls County, MO DWI-MIP Lawyers | Zero Tolerance
    * Ralls County, MO DWI-MIP Lawyers | Abuse & Lose
    * Ralls County, MO Speeding Ticket Lawyers | “No Points”