Jasper County, Missouri | DWI | MIP | Speeding
*Jasper County, Missouri Traffic Law Attorneys
From simple Speeding Ticket defense where “no points” is the goal to MIP cases to felony DUI / DWI defense where your freedom is at stake, the lawyers at PulledOver.com can handle it.
This page contains Court information for Jasper County, Missouri Judicial Circuit 29.
* Jasper County, Missouri DUI / DWI Lawyers
* Jasper County, Missouri MIP Lawyers
* Jasper County, Missouri Speeding Ticket Lawyers
*Jasper, Judicial Circuit 29*
*Jasper County Courthouse*
Jasper County Courthouse
302 S. Main
Carthage, MO 64836
601 South Pearl
Joplin, MO 64801
*Special Note:* Jasper County has two court buildings, one each in Carthage and Joplin. There are no jurisdictional lines and cases can be filed at either location.
Joplin – (417) 625-4310
Joplin – (417) 782-7172 (facsimile)
Carthage – (417) 358-0441
Carthage – (417) 358-0461 (facsimile)
Gayle Crane, Circuit Judge, Division 1
David C. Dally, Circuit Judge, Division 2
David B. Mouton, Circuit Judge, Division 3/Probate
Joseph Schoeberl, Associate Circuit Judge
Richard D. Copeland, Associate Circuit Judge
Stephen P. Carlton, Associate Circuit Judge
*Docket Call:*
All cases are specially set by each Division.
*General Information:*
Linda Williams, Circuit Clerk, Carthage Office
(417) 358-0441 (telephone)
(417) 358-0461 (facsimile)
Linda Williams, Circuit Clerk, Joplin Office
(417) 625-4310
(417) 782-7172 (facsimile)
Shelley Wiley, Probate Clerk, Carthage Office
(417) 358-0403
(417) 358-0404 (facsimile)
Please contact the Clerk’s office for information on the following:
* Adult Abuse Orders
* Small Claims Filings
* Traffic Court
*Associate Divisions:*
(417) 358-0450
(417) 625-4316
*Jasper County, Missouri Traffic Law Attorneys*
* Jasper County, MO DWI Lawyers | Criminal Defense
* Jasper County, MO DWI Lawyers | Administrative DWI
* Jasper County, MO DWI Lawyers | Driver License Suspension
* Jasper County, MO DWI Lawyers | Driver License Revocation
* Jasper County, MO DWI Lawyers | Hardship License Petitions
* Jasper County, MO DWI Lawyers | Driver License Reinstatement
* Jasper County, MO DWI Lawyers | DWI Expungement Attorneys
* Jasper County, MO Minor in Possession (MIP) Lawyers
* Jasper County, MO MIP Lawyers | Possession by Consumption
* Jasper County, MO MIP Lawyers | Visibly Intoxicated
* Jasper County, MO DWI-MIP Lawyers | Zero Tolerance
* Jasper County, MO DWI-MIP Lawyers | Abuse & Lose
* Jasper County, MO Speeding Ticket Lawyers | “No Points”