About “Uniform” Missouri Traffic Tickets
All traffic tickets written in Missouri must be in a form currently approved for use by the Missouri Supreme Court. This applies to all traffic tickets issued by any agency in Missouri authorized to enforce any Missouri state law or county or municipal ordinance regulating the operation of motor vehicles.
Every “Uniform Traffic Ticket” and “Uniform Complaint and Summons” must clearly show the police department name and originating agency identifier (ORI) number in the upper left hand corner and the unique ticket number in the upper right-hand corner on the front side.
The Missouri State Highway Patrol is responsible for assigning a unique number to every traffic ticket and uniform complaint and summons issued in the State of Missouri by any court, law enforcement agency, or other traffic ticket issuing authority.
When an officer or trooper gives you a ticket, you are being served with a complaint and summons. The “complaint” is the information and statement that you committed an offense in violation of a state law or county or municipal ordinance. When you are given the ticket, you are being served with a “summons” to dispose of the charges of which you are accused in the “complaint” on the traffic ticket.
Generally, one may dispose of the charge by prepayment of the fine and court costs along with a guilty plea. A guilty plea will result in Points on your driver license.
If the charge is not disposed of before the court date on the summons, you must appear at you court date or risk a warrant being issued for your arrest upon your failure to appear.
The lawyers at trafficlawmissouri.com can help keep you from getting points or having to go to court. Contact us today.